Lack of Club-Fitting has led to compensation...

by Daniel
(Buies Creek, NC, USA)

My clubs are 2 degrees flat (according to a recent fitting session), I swing on a centrifugal pivot, and most of my misses are pushes out to the right.

I have compensated for these misses mostly through several degrees of face manipulation through my release sequence, which result in high, sweeping draws.

What should I do to achieve a neutral ball-flight with no deviation off of my baseline? What type of drills should I use to help shift the path of my swing more to the left? How do I eliminate the immense amount of face manipulation through impact?




In response to your club fitting session, you definitely will need to first have all of your club's lie angles fitted properly. Any time that you have unfit clubs you are likely to have compensations in the swing to make it work.

If all of your irons are 2 degrees too flat you will need to bend these irons 2 degrees upright with a club bending machine. You can do this easily with forged irons, but if the irons are cast you will need to look into what quality of the metal the manufacturer used in your irons in order to know if you can bend them or not.

To determine the softness of the metal you should refer to the Rockwell Hardness Scale. With this scale you can figure out the hardness of the metal and determine how many degrees you can bend your irons.

Once you have your irons properly fitted do not be surprised if you start duck hooking the ball due to your current release compensations through the impact zone.

After you get used to the proper fit irons you may already be zeroing out your path. If for some reason you are still swinging in to out(centrifugal) then try turning your left foot out 45 degrees at address. This will increase your hip turn and is compatible for bringing your release sequence down an on plane delivery.

Another drill would be speeding up your arms from the top of the backswing. This transition will put you in sync with your pivot and help bring you on plane.

Hope this helps,


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Jun 20, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the suggestions


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Bo, I wanted to thank you for your help so far with my golf game. I wanted to let you know that I shot a 75 the other day in a tournament round, my best round ever. I had 32 total putts and NO 3 putts. I definitely couldn't have done that before. Thanks again and I'll be back in touch soon to get some more lessons lined up.


Bo I just wanted to tell you about another tournament I played in. I went out and played and shot a 75 which is one of my best rounds this year so I think everything is coming together. I've been making alot of birdies lately and just wanted to thank you for everything!

Adam Mikhalko

Hey Bo when I got back from camp I played really well I’m putting great and I’m hitting the ball well. Thank you for everything at camp.


Hey Bo!!! I have been playing my best in golf, mostly because of you!!! two days ago I shot an 80 in my club tourney and came in 3rd place.

Brandtley Taylor

I played in a tournament when I got back from camp and shot 76 and came in fourth. I feel much more confident on the course with my mental thoughts. I used the tips you wrote down on that sheet and they have helped me alot.

Freddy Weber